Welcome to Solita Norway

Norway people Solita Norway Solita Norway

Who we are

Solita is a community of highly and widely skilled experts geared for impact and customer value. We do what matters to build the digital future by delivering high-quality solutions to real problems.

Our service portfolio seamlessly combines expertise from strategic consulting to service design, software development, analytics and data science, cloud and integration services.

Value to variety of industries.

Skandia Agile Data Engine providing a path to improved data quality for Skandia
Agile Data Engine providing a path to improved data quality for Skandia
What Solita has delivered for us is a completely unified approach. With the Agile Data Engine platform, we don’t need to connect various tools or implementations for data streams and processes to work together. Solita has connected those dots for us.

Carl Schnackenburg Head of Data & Analytics, Skandia

Case KONE KONE Predictive maintenance gets more intelligent with advanced analytics
Solita has had an important role in developing our capabilities in building modern analytics solutions for predictive maintenance.

Olli Mali Data Science Manager, Maintenance Development, KONE

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Find us Our local offices

  • Oslo

    Stortorvet 7, 0155 Oslo