
Solita joins the AI Pact supporting responsible use of AI

Published18 Dec 2024

Reading time 2 min

The technology, data, and design company Solita announced today that it has officially joined the European Commission’s AI Pact, a voluntary framework developed to drive trustworthy and safe AI development.

The EU AI Act, which came into force in August 2024, is a legal framework that regulates the use of AI systems according to the level of risk they pose. The many obligations in the law will take effect in stages over the next three years. The AI Pact supports the companies’ and organisations’ voluntary commitments to start applying the principles of the AI Act already ahead of its application. The initiative also fosters dialogue between policymakers and AI leaders, encouraging transparency, sharing of best practices, and collaboration.

By joining, Solita is committing voluntarily to the core actions of the AI Pact, including:

  • Having an AI governance strategy to foster the responsible uptake of AI in the organisation and work towards future compliance with the AI Act.
  • High-risk AI systems mapping: Identifying AI systems likely to be categorised as high-risk under the AI Act
  • Promoting AI literacy and awareness among staff, ensuring ethical and responsible AI use and development

In addition, the organisations of the AI Pact commit to sharing their experience with their peers and the new AI Office through workshops and events.

As a company that consults organisations in the use of AI across Europe, Solita has strong expertise in responsible AI development and governance practices and appointed its first Head of Sustainable AI already in 2022.

“Joining the AI Pact reflects Solita’s commitment to turning responsible AI principles into actionable practices. While the implementation details of the AI Act are still forming, the AI Pact provides a platform for collaboration and exchanging best practices in the responsible use of AI. By advancing our own efforts in critical areas like AI governance and literacy, we gain practical experience that strengthens our ability to advise our customers on their path towards AI Act compliance and beyond,” says Solita’s Head of Sustainable AI, Anna Metsäranta.

“Solita’s AI Pact pledges show our commitment to help Europe lead the responsible and innovative use of AI. Taking responsibility and learning together in the EU as one of the leading economic powers of the world is essential both to us and the world. We are very committed to helping our customers navigate the new AI era in responsible, innovative and sustainable ways,” commented Solita’s CEO Ossi Lindroos.

Additional information

For more information

Solita, Ossi Lindroos, CEO, [email protected], +358 40 750 7637

Solita, Anna Metsäranta, Head of Sustainable AI, [email protected],

+358 40 523 2321

  1. Business