
Data and democracy: Solita is developing an electoral data system for the 2027 elections

Published06 Oct 2022

Reading time 3 min

The Ministry of Justice in Finland has chosen the technology, data, and design company Solita as its partner in developing a new electoral data solution, which will be introduced for the 2027 parliamentary elections. Serving the nearly four million Finns eligible to vote, the objective of the new system is to promote democracy, the information security of the Finnish citizens, and improve accessibility. The electoral data system will be employed for the parliamentary, presidential, municipal, local, and EU elections.

Based on the lifecycle survey implemented by the Ministry of Justice between 2019 and 2020, the current electoral data system must be renewed to ensure its reliable operation. Elections are the foundation of a democratic society, and a reliable and independent electoral data system helps ensure the realisation of democracy.

Enhanced accessibility

In addition to technological and data security updates, the objective is to develop new functionalities in response to user needs, taking into consideration various accessibility requirements, designing an intuitive user interface, and the wider digital arrangements in support of the electoral process. The long-term objective is to implement an electronic electoral register for all of Finland’s municipalities. The goal is also to digitalise the nomination of candidates and separate the electoral result service onto a cloud platform. For reasons related to data security and the significance of the electoral data system, the key know-how and project control for the new system remains with the authorities for the most part.

“It is a great honour for Solita to build a solution that is at the heart of Finland’s democracy. The project consolidates user-oriented usability and accessibility aspects with extreme information and data security. We are thankful for the trust placed in us, and will roll up our sleeves,” says Account Director Veli Ijäs from Solita.

The project aims to secure the functionality and long service life of the electoral data system. The current system has been implemented and deployed in stages between 2004 and 2012. Development work will take place in collaboration with partner companies, selected through competitive tendering, of which Solita was chosen first. Development work was started in September. The procurement contract will remain valid until 31 December 2025.

Ready for the 2027 parliamentary elections

The renewal of the electoral data system comprises various individual procurements. The total cost estimate for the project spanning over several years is EUR 17.6 million. The total cost includes costs incurred by the parallel use of the old and the new system, which is necessary for ensuring electoral reliability.

The goal is for the new electoral data system to be implemented for the 2027 parliamentary elections.

More information

Solita Oy, Veli Ijäs, [email protected], p. 044 025 5069

Solita Oy, viestintäjohtaja Minna Pinola, [email protected], p. 040 5166 024