
Crash Course on Modern business transformation

Maria Hansson Business & Ecosystem Designer, Sustainable Value Creation, Solita

Mikko Väätäinen Design Lead, Business Designer, Solita

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Date 1 Sep 2022

Excellence in business transformation – how to create success in new innovations and in reinvention of the existing?

In this session we will go through how business transformation has evolved over the years, what fundamental building blocks are needed today, how best practices look like and learnings from our work in different industries.

This Crash Course is meant for business management, strategy-, business-, innovation leaders/developers and teams.


  • Welcome! Maria Hansson, Business Designer, Solita

  • Crash Course on Modern business transformation, Mikko Väätäinen, Senior Business Designer | Transformational excellence & innovation performance, Solita

  • Q&A and wrap up

Our speaker Mikko Väätäinen is a senior business designer who works with industry leading companies with their innovation performance and new business ventures. He talks the talks with upper management, walks the walk with teams hands-on and helps the organizations to build bridges between vision and reality. Mikko has been working in leading roles in planning and executing several transformation programs for companies like Telenor, Kemira, Relex, Helen, DNA, VTT, AkzoNobel, Kone, Sandvik, Fortum, Saarioinen, Business Finland, UPM, Fingrid.

Our host Maria Hansson builds industry, team, and client alliances that empower sustainable value creation, inspires a culture of innovation, and leads to profitable new business models. She hosts and coordinates events and collaboration with both industry and academies, such as the Business Design Masterclass and the Human centered – Applied Data and AI in Business Development training program.

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