People story

People of Solita: Senior Cloud Service Specialist Ville Liski

Ville Liski Senior Cloud Service Specialist, Solita

Published 18 Jun 2021

Reading time 3 min

Meet our People of Solita. We have over 1 100 employees in different locations with different skills and backgrounds – each with a story to share about what they do and what inspires them. This is Ville, our Senior Cloud Service Specialist.

Freedom and autonomy are important to me

The best part of my job is the ability to express myself. Projects in the public cloud environment are my expertise, mostly when the customer rolls out the cloud platform for the first time. I help in building the foundation and implementing the platform. It’s what I’ve been doing for four years now, and I still like it very much.

I have a lot of freedom and autonomy in my job, and I can leave my handprint into the solutions I deliver. Freedom is also applicable in other areas. I’ve been able to choose which projects I want to work with and decide the technologies I use. I’ve never had to work with tools that I feel are taking the industry in the wrong direction. Of course, we have some deadlines we have to meet and some guidelines we need to follow, but otherwise, I’ve been able to decide how I do my job.

In one recent project, we implemented a Google Cloud Platform to a publicly listed customer. They didn’t have any experience in the area, and they wanted to build a solid foundation for the new platform. The approach we took was also new for Solita; it was the first time we did this type of project. It was a great learning experience where I was able to use the full spectrum of my skills. Also, working with a big, listed company brought its own twist in terms of finding the right contact people and learning from the team dynamics. I was also able to improve my consulting and communication skills.

Solita is a very learning-oriented company

I’ve developed a lot in the past few years. The biggest milestone for me has been to learn to understand the needs of a big customer organization. The setup is often complex, and we need to make our solutions compatible with their existing systems. It can be tricky, but it’s also stimulating and rewarding. I’ve also got some new technologies in my portfolio, so there has been a steady learning curve on the tech side as well.

I’ve experienced Solita to be a very learning-oriented company. It’s also given me space to manage my own growth and development. We have a budget for studying and learning, and we can always find time for it. It’s not like we have to beg to participate in courses or find a solid justification every time we want to learn something new. It’s just pretty much bringing up your interest and, for example, the technology that you want to learn. That’s it: learning is part of our job.

Innovating new solutions inspires me

I’m a bit of an innovator at heart, and creating something completely new inspires me. I like the feeling when you are into something new and can potentially help the whole industry move forward. The public cloud scene is quite narrow, so I’m well aware of the newest tips and tricks, and I know what has been done before. It’s important to me to deliver good quality and high standard solutions, and I want to be able to stand behind my work.

On a smaller scale, it’s always rewarding to get new realizations and those “aha-moments” when the pieces of the puzzle start falling into place. I also like to help my colleagues; it’s the best feeling to provide advice and help your workmate save time and effort.

We are looking for new talented co-workers. Join Ville and our Solita Community: check our open positions here!

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